Natalia Sauszyn

Jones Day

Natalia Sauszyn has significant experience in capital markets in both debt and equity transactions. She advises clients on structured and plain vanilla bond issues, EMTN programs, covered bond programs, EuroPPs, U.S. shelf programs, and high yield debt offerings. She acts for issuers, investors, and banks with respect to private placements, equity-linked transactions, and IPOs.

Natalia represented clients such as Tikehau on its first bond issue on the regulated market of Euronext Paris, Sanofi in connection with a $2 billion takedown, Credit Agricole Home Loan SFH with respect to its covered bond program renewal and regular issues on both Euronext Paris and the SIX Swiss Exchange, Banque Degroof Petercam in connection with EuroPPs, Procter & Gamble in the context of an exchange offer as part of a Reverse Morris Trust transaction for $12.5 billion, and Orange on a $1.25 billion notes offering.

Natalia also regularly advises such clients on regulatory matters and ongoing securities compliance, including the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive, the Prospectus Regulation, or the Market Abuse Regulation. She also speaks at conferences at the Banque de France on sovereign debt transactions, reporting and authoring on innovative sovereign debt instruments, as well as on green and sustainable finance topics.